Gathering Time by Simon Baxter | My Photo Bookshelf

If you visit my website regularly, then it will be no secret that I love woodland photography and have been actively taking photos of trees for a few years now, so when Simon Baxter, one of the most talented woodland photographers out there releases a book, it automatically has a place on my bookshelf.

Author’s synopsis

‘Gathering Time’ is a photographic book by professional woodland photographer, Simon Baxter. It expresses the calm, quiet awe and emotion of woodland, as well as Simon’s unique connection to this beautifully complex world. Driven by the freely available therapeutic benefits of nature close to home, Simon has spent several years crafting woodland images to communicate his fascination with trees and appreciation for the sanctuary their home has provided.

Gathering Time by Simon Baxter on my photo bookshelf

My thoughts about the book

Gathering Time was released a few years ago and although I’ve just got around to posting about it here, it’s a book I’ve owned for some time and often flick through when in need of some inspiration. It’s one of those rare photography books where you will struggle to spot any filler images as every one in there is of such a high quality and very much deserves its place in the book (can you tell I’m a fan of his work yet?).

The book starts with a wonderfully written forward by Joe Cornish (another of my landscape photography heroes), followed by the book’s introduction. Simon’s introduction tells the story of what led him to photograph the woodland and the many benefits it brings. Amongst the beautiful woodland imagery are a scattering of essays, each telling a story, recalling memories or providing a window into Simon’s thought process. It’s a clever and insightful way to organise the book and group the photos together both visually with the sequencing and conceptually with the writing.

I’m a big proponent of using photography and nature to help improve mental well-being and Simon writes openly about his own, personal struggles both physically and mentally and how surrounding himself with the natural world went a long way to support his physical and mental healing.

I’ve spent many hours flicking through the pages of this beautifully crafted photography book and if you appreciate high-quality woodland imagery as I do, then Gathering Time should be at the very top of your photography book wishlist.

Book Details

  • Hardcover

  • Size: 300mm x 240mm

  • Pages: 128

  • Photos: 90

  • Availability at the time of writing: Still in print. Available from the author’s website:


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