New Photos | Spring 2024

In early 2024, I decided that those who visit my website, read my blog or subscribe to my newsletter should be the first to see my most recent work. I want to ensure that those who actively follow my work can see my latest photos here, presented in a way I want them to be seen. I’ll be releasing new collections as and when I finish editing them and with so many of my photos taken in the woodland, a seasonal release schedule seems to make the most sense to me. This approach may not be limited to just seasonal collections as I will still post new photos with my “On-Location” stories or project-specific collections but, the important point is that they will be seen here or in my newsletter first.

I speak about it a bit more in the first Winter 2023 collection.

March to May 2024 - Spring 2024 collection.

Spring got off to an incredibly slow start in the woodland this year. It seemed to take an age for the new growth to appear and with so many cold, wet and windy days we had, I was eager to say goodbye to the bare, dormant woodlands and hello to fresh leaves and vibrant spring colour.

I’ve grouped the woodland collections below into three, each representing the different stages of springtime in my local woodlands. Many of the subjects are repeated but look distinctively different thanks to the changes introduced as spring took hold.

The first few images were taken in March when the woodland still had a wintery look and feel to it. There were early signs of growth around, but the trees and understory were predominantly bare.

I revisited the woodland again in April and the new growth was well on its way. The forest floor had come to life with new grass, fern shoots and a scattering of bluebells.

Finally, in May, the woodland was much fuller and was awash with vibrant lime greens. Along with finding a few new compositions, I also revisited many of my regular subjects as I find it interesting to document them as they change throughout the year.

Although I don’t send my drone up nearly as much as I should, I did take a few aerial images during my time visiting and photographing the South Downs National Park.

Apart from a few trees here and there, it’s difficult to get a sense of spring in my cityscape photos of London, especially with the cooler tones I tend to lean towards in my photos. Still, this image collection was taken between March and May this year. I can never get bored of exploring this fantastic city I’m lucky enough to live close to and even though it’s such a popular place to photograph, now and then, I find a new composition I’ve not seen before.

Finally, at the very end of May, I spent a week in Snowdonia and although not a dedicated photography trip, I did allocate a few hours here and there to get out with my camera for some landscape photography. I published an on-location blog post featuring more of the photos I took.

Until next time.


Gathering Time by Simon Baxter | My Photo Bookshelf


Photographing Snowdonia in Late Spring