New Photos | Winter 2023

One of the many things I ponder regarding my photography is how to publish my work. How do I avoid randomly sharing photos on social media and be more deliberate with the work I release? How can I ensure that those who actively follow my work can see my latest photos presented in the way I want them to be seen? With social media algorithms deciding what photos of mine are seen by those who follow me, how do ensure those who want to see my new work actually can?

I applaud those who can shoot, edit and post photos in a day or two, but I don’t work that way and there are obvious ups and downs to that approach too. It can be weeks or even months before I finish processing some of my photos as I like to take my time, sit on them for a while and be in the right frame of mind to edit. This is particularly true for the more complex images, those I have to work a bit harder to pull the potential out from, to match what I remember witnessing as I stood there in the field taking the photo.

So, I’ve decided that those who visit my website, read my blog or subscribe to my newsletter should be the first to see my most recent work. I want to release new collections as and when I finish editing them and with so many of my photos taken in the woodland, a seasonal release schedule seems to make the most sense to me. This approach may not be limited to just seasonal collections as I will still post new photos with my “On-Location” stories or project-specific collections but, the important point is that they will be seen here or on my newsletter first.

It’s about taking the pressure off and being more deliberate. I’m not concerned about a strict release date or how many photos will make up a collection and I won’t worry too much about them being portfolio-worthy either. True, some will end up in the portfolio galleries here on my website but for these collections, it’s simply about sharing some of my favourite photos I took during those 3 months.

This approach to releasing photos in batches or as collections is not new. I know of a few other photographers who do the same and little by little over the last few months, it’s something I’ve thought more seriously about. I have already shared one or two of the photos below but going forward, unless for a good reason, I will release photos on my website and newsletter before sharing elsewhere.

December 2023 to February 2024 - Winter 2023 collection.

Winter 2023 was the warmest, wettest and windiest winter I’ve witnessed in a long time, certainly since I’ve been taking photos. There was very little in the way of frost, let alone snow! During these darker months, I spent most of my time photographing my local woodland and found a few new, more intimate compositions. I do like to revisit woodland scenes I connect with and photograph them as they change throughout the year. So, you may see some of these again in future collections.

Alongside my woodland work, I ventured into the landscape to photograph a few more recognisable spots in London, around Sussex and across to Snowdonia. Although my style is constantly changing and woodland photography is quickly becoming my most photographed subject, I still enjoy photographing a wide vista or iconic subject.


How to get sharp photos when using a telephoto lens


At The Edge Of Permanence by Gill Moon | My Photo Bookshelf