Skeletal Remains | Weekly Photo #25

I find the skeletal remains of the West Pier in Brighton fascinating to photograph? I enjoy taking these central, minimalist photos of what’s left of this once grand Victorian structure which played such a significant role in the history of Brighton’s beach-front down in England’s South East. It’s not the most original composition of this structure but there’s a reason why the pier has been photographed a million times from this spot.

The skeletal remains of Brighton's West Pier taken by Trevor Sherwin

Fujifilm XT2 | XF18-55mm | 18mm | 1/5th Second | f/9 | ISO200

In a previous Weekly Photo post, I shared a black and white, long-exposure image of this very pier which you can find here. In the post, I talked about capturing the same composition on a pretty uninspiring cloudy day and using a black and white film simulation to help me visualise the image as I took it.

I took this week’s photo during a warm summer’s evening as my family and I walked down on the beachfront eating fish and chips for dinner. I had the camera with me to capture a few sunset shots of the family. As we walked back to the car I spotted these post-sunset pastel colours that started to appear in the sky I decided to take advantage of the light on offer.

As my family continued towards the car, I stopped and set my tripod up directly in front of the West Pier as close to the water as I could but just far enough away to avoid getting wet feet. I mounted my Fuji XT2 and trust 18-55mm lens on the tripod and went about composing the image being careful to get the structure dead-centre. Without having filters with me, a long exposure image wasn’t an option but with the sea being a little choppy, I was drawn to capturing a some of the movement and energy I could feel as I stood there taking it all in. I kept my aperture at around f/9 which, at ISO200, gave me a 1/5th second exposure resulting in an image with just the right amount of movement and texture in the water whilst retaining those subtle pinks in the sky.

Back in Lightroom, I tried to emphasise the white, frothy water to highlight the movement and add some interest so I subtly brightened the frothy parts of the water using local adjustments. Other than that, I adjusted the HSL sliders to get the tones I wanted and added a bit of contrast to the pier to make the architecture stand out a bit more.

I still have a long exposure photo of the pier in mind which I’ve been trying to get for a while now which requires a low tide and the clouds moving in the right direction. I’m still chasing that one so I’m sure I will be back again soon enough.

Thanks for stopping by.


This post is featured in my Weekly Photo series where I post a new photo every Monday. To have this delivered directly to your inbox, you can subscribe to the mailing list here.


South Bank | Weekly Photo #26


Western Towers | Weekly Photo #24